Hi-Bond HB720A Electrical Conductive Tape.

Bespoke conductive tape for electrical insulation applications.
We are never more than a few meters away from a mobile communication device, therefore the shielding of electrical devices from interference, has never been more important. Hi-Bond Tapes Ltd, with their range of Bondplus+-Conductive Tapes , have broken new ground in the manufacture and supply of a range of foil and fabric backed conductive tapes. Within this range is Hi-Bond HB720A copper foil tapes.
Hi-Bond HB720A consists of a 25 micron copper foil conductive tape with a revolutionary 40 micron coating of an acrylic adhesive which contains nickel silver conductive particles. Conductivity is achieved within the adhesive layer.
So where could you use Hi-Bond HB720A?
- In the installation and repair of EMI shielding for signal cables.
- Radio Frequency shielding of delicate components.
- Both grounding and static control.
What benefits does Hi-Bond HB720A offer?
- Exceptionally effective in shielding EMI, EMR and RFI.
- Minimum temperature resistance of -30°C .
- Maximum temperature resistance of +130°C .
- Available in rolls 19 mm x 33 M.
- Supplied on a very supple release liner, allowing for easy cutting.
In the mass communication field in which we live, there are many opportunities for external electrical interference. Smart phones, tablets, lap tops and gaming devices, are all competing in an ever cluttered electromagnetic spectrum. Count on Hi-Bond Tapes Ltd and Winroy Industrial Polymers Ltd, to offer you exacting technical service and quality supply of tapes for all of your electrical needs.