The Growth Of MS Polymer Mastic Sealants!

The Growth Of MS Polymer Mastic Sealants!

Glue Ireland

Glue Ireland Focussing on you!

The end of another busy week! What was hot & what is not? As always, our mastic sealants continue to impress customers with their range of applications and unparalleled quality and performance. In several applications, in particular construction applications, MS polymers continue to grow at the expense of polyurethane mastic sealants. The key deciding factor appears to be cure time.

Polyurethane sealants cure quite slowly but their MS polymer and MS hybrid polymer counterparts offer rapid skin formation time, ideal when joint sealing in exterior applications. For decades, polyurethane mastic sealants were the only alternatives to silicone sealants, if you wanted to sand or paint the joint. Not anymore, MS polymer chemistry continues to expand its range of potential applications. With excellent tolerance when applied onto damp surfaces and much better movement capabilities, MS polymers are most definitely the future for many construction and automotive applications.

We have looked at what is hot, now what is not? Not a week goes by where we are contacted by a potential customer who currently use solvent based glue and want a safer alternative. This week was no different. Glues for foams and expanded polystyrene typically contain methylene chloride (also known as Dichloromethane). Unlike most other solvents, methylene chloride does not attack foam materials and has the added benefit of being non-flammable, however, it is known to have quite negative effects upon human health and the environment.

Over the years, we have developed an exceptionally wide range of water based glues with properties which equal or excel those of their solvent based opposite. Our technology is well proven and in this case, we were able to offer a customer a solvent free, focused gluing solution which fulfilled both application safety and performance requirements.

Customer focus and education forms one of the pillars upon which our business is built. We always aim to offer potential and existing customers, the choice of a less hazardous adhesive. The onus is upon our technical and sales staff, to suggest the best adhesive in terms of safe use and performance. Let our expertise work for you.