Gluing Metal To Metal?

Metal glue choices.
Of all of the glue enquiries which we receive, one of the most common is gluing metal to metal.
In actual fact, almost every day, our laboratories receive calls, requesting technical advice on all manner of metal gluing applications. As an example, we recently had an enquiry from an engineering company, who had manufactured several hundred steel supports. Upon arrival at the construction site, it was noticed that access to two of the four anchoring holes, was restricted, therefore only two nut and bolt assemblies could be utilised.
Our laboratory was contacted and following the completion of strain calculations, our engineer suggested Scigrip SG5000 methacrylate adhesive. Our calculations were confirmed and the headache was overcome.
Another metal gluing job involved a customer who has started to manufacture masts for security cameras. The requirement here was for a non drip adhesive, with excellent adhesion to steel and high heat resistance. The choice was simple, Scigrip SG300. A flagship product for Scigrip and possibly our best selling structural adhesive. As is normal, our laboratories carried out a full set of tensile and shear tests, both at ambient and high temperature.
Irrespective of what metal you are gluing, from steel to brass or aluminium to zinc, using our palette of bespoke structural adhesives, we can select the right product…first time, every time.