Gluing Nickel Metal.

Handy hints for gluing Nickel
Nickel, perhaps not the immediate choice when one is asked to name a metal, but over the past hundred years or so, nickel has become a metal of significant industrial importance.
Nickel, is typically extracted from ore deposits of Limonite , Garnierite & Pentlandite and the approximately two million tons of nickel production, 46% is used in the manufacture of Nickel Steel, 34% in non-ferrous metal alloys (such as Elinvar & Inconel) , 14% in electroplating applications and finally 6% in miscellaneous applications. Nickel is a silver white metal with a melting point of 1,453°C. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat and resists both corrosion and oxidation.
Nickel is magnetic room temperature and finds use in a very wide range of applications. For example, is used in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries (nickel-metal hydride (NiMH)), propeller’s in marine engineering , fuel sells, solar panels, bearings and electronics.
There are several applications where Nickel needs to be glued to itself, or to other materials & our chemists have recently developed a process, for gluing Nickel. The process is simplicity in itself…
- Solvent wipe the Nickel surface with our X320.
- Abrade the surface with P400 paper and again solvent wipe with our X320.
- Prime the surface with our X330 primer.
- Apply Scigrip EX6000 adhesive to one side of the Nickel.
- Bring the parts together, leaving a 0.5 mm gap. Allow the Scigrip EX6000 to cure.
For certain applications, for example gluing Nickel bushings and bearings, the following process has been found to offer the optimum strength.
- For six seconds, dip the parts in warm (30°C) concentrated Nitric Acid.
- Rinse the parts in cold distilled water and allow to dry naturally.
- Apply Scigrip EX6000 adhesive to one side of the Nickel.
- Bring the parts together, leaving a 0.5 mm gap. Allow the Scigrip EX6000 to cure.
For all Nickel and Nickel alloy bonding applications, our researchers can offer the highest performance adhesives and gluing procedures, which offer the ultimate in performance properties! Let us be your adhesives partner.