Scigrip CA4061 Instant Superglue
Instant Superglue
Looking for a really fast setting instant superglue, with incredible adhesion to a wide range of plastic and rubber materials?
Scigrip CA4061 is a low viscosity instant setting adhesive where very fast cure speed is required. Perfectly suitable for use as an instant adhesive for small bonding jobs such as bonding most metals, plastics, rubber, leather, wood and other materials. It is especially suitable for bonding pieces with very smooth surfaces.
Scigrip CA4061 is the ideal choice for carrying out small repairs to glasses, shoe soles, picture frames, ceramics and small electronic components. Scigrip CA4061 gives a rapid, tenacious bond to numerous materials, e.g., plastics, rubber, metals, wood, ceramics, leather.
Scigrip CA4061 is am extremely versatile low consumption adhesive and is available in both 20 g bottles and 500 g bottles.