Thixofix Contact Adhesive

As Ireland’s best known glue manufacturer and supplier, we regularly receive enquiries for companies looking for a contact glue which is easy to use. For customers wanting to avoid the occasional mess while using traditional contact adhesives? The answer is Thixofix.
Thixofix contact adhesive was developed with the specific aim of making gluing more simple! Why? Well, contact adhesives are known for their thick consistency and often time consuming application. Very often, they get even thicker when applied, making application problematic. Thixofix contact adhesive is different. Its not a paste, its a gel, not to dissimilar to non drip paint. It actually spreads like butter and does not spill. Its covering power is very good, on non porous surfaces, approximately 2.5 to 3.0 square meters per litre.
Thixofix is multifunctional. As an example, it be used to glue decorative laminates, such as Formica, onto MDF & plywood etc. It can also be used to bond rigid PVC, cork, leather and certain fabrics, both to themselves and other materials such as plasterboard, chipboard and insulation materials.
Thixofix is easy to use. Open the tin, but do not stir the adhesive. Using the supplied adhesive spreader, apply a uniform coat of Thixofix to both surfaces. We suggest that the adhesive ridges run north to south on one of the surfaces to be bonded, and east to west on the other surface. This ensures optimum contact between the bonding surfaces. Allow the Thixofix to become touch dry. This normally takes 15 to 20 minutes. Bring the materials together, exactly in the desired position. Even though Thixofix is a contact adhesive, it does allow some small adjustment. When everything looks correct, using even and uniform pressure, press the two surfaces together. The job is done!
Note that on some porous materials, such as plasterboard & chipboard, a primer coat of Thixofix may be required. Also, Thixofix is not suitable for use on flexible PVC (such as PVC floor tiles) or expanded polystyrene.
Thixofix is available in various pack sizes, either from our trade counter or via next day courier delivery.