X-110 UV Cure Adhesive goes back to school !

X-110 UV Cure Adhesive goes back to school !

Last week, we were contacted by Gerry O’Brien of Stained Glass Work who is located in Naas. Gerry is a former woodwork teacher who now runs a very successful business making bespoke woodwork which utilises stained glass panels as part of their construction. Gerry was asked to build a trophy display cabinet for the Cross & Passion School in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare. Gerry was looking to bond small coloured glass discs onto lead lined stained glass panels which he made in his workshop. Gerry came into our laboratory and we set the glass panels on a table, supporting each end with a stand. Gerry carefully marked the spots where which the glass discs would be located.

Bonded Glass Discs

Bonded Glass Discs

We cleaned the bond area with X35 degreasing solvent and carefully applied 2 drops (about 0.2 ml) of X110 onto the glass panel. Gerry gently places the colours discs onto the liquid adhesive. After all of the discs had been placed onto the glass panel, we exposed the X110 adhesive to 365 nm UV light for three minutes.

Finished Trophy Cabinet

Finished Trophy Cabinet

Job done!!

Thanks to Gerry O’Brien from Stained Glass Work for the images.